Roofing Repair Trusses

Roof Truss Repair

Roof trusses that have been damaged can be dangerous if they are not addressed.  A well thought out plan of repair should initiated as soon as possible after the damage has occurred. Roof trusses are the wooden frames that are nailed or bolted together to form the shape of your roof structure. Roof trusses come in many shapes and forms t fit the design of the roof.

Trusses can be purchased pre-built or can be built on site for a custom build. Trusses must be able to support great amounts of weight and be able to withstand the stress of high wind. Damaged trusses can cause the collapse of the entire roof. So it is important to do a periodic check of every truss in the roof system.

The quality of timber used for trusses is very important. Before you begin your truss build, you should check with your engineer to make sure you choose the right timber for the right job.  Be sure to check for the strength and make sure they are treated for insects and rot prevention. Remember every hole cut into the truss and cut made into the truss will weaken it. There are several reasons trusses get damaged. Severe storm wind damage, electrician or plumber cutting holes and notches, and rot caused by water damage.

To repair a damaged roof truss first determine the source of the problem. Is it a weight problem, rot, joint failure etc.? The best you can hope for is to be able to splice the truss that is damaged. This way you only address the “damaged area” of the truss without having to remove the entire truss. Once the damaged truss is identified it can be temporarily supported and are repaired with a “Timber Splice Kit.” The damaged portion of the truss is cut away and replaced with a section of new healthy timber. These good roofers can help you with damaged trusses.

If an entire truss must be removed, a part if not most of your roof would have to be removed in order to gain access to the damaged truss. It is very expensive to have an entire truss removed and replaced. All the roof covering must be removed, including the decking, shingles and underlayment in order to install the new one. A crane would have to be used to lift the new truss into place. Although professional roofing companies have the equipment and manpower to address these problems they are still expensive and time consuming.

Consider the cost of roof removal, truss removal, crane, truss replacement, decking, underlayment, shingles, and miscellaneous costs.

The importance of correctly repairing damaged trusses should not be underestimated. Be wise enough to know what projects to attempt yourself and which ones to hand off to a professional. No one wants a repeat on a job that should have been done right the first time. And, as with any project that requires due diligence for safety, have a qualified inspector or engineer sign off on the finished product.